Bono on Instagram singing his Coronavirus inspired piano ballad titled "Let Your Love Be Known"
Bono on Instagram singing his Coronavirus inspired piano ballad titled "Let Your Love Be Known"

U2’s Bono first out of the box with a Coronavirus-inspired song

Chuck Darrow

Mono-monikered rock megastar Bono has weighed in on Coronavirus’ effect on people by releasing a new song. His is the first by a major artist in what one day will likely be an avalanche of creative projects about and inspired by the unprecedented worldwide outbreak.

The track, a piano ballad called “Let Your Love Be Known,” debuted Tuesday on U2’s official Instagram account. It addresses the “new normal” of self-isolation and lockdowns and is intended to salute the world’s healthcare providers who are on the front lines of the battle against the virulent contagion.

Accompanying the song on Instagram was a post from the 59-year-old U2 front man — whose real name is Paul Hewson — that explained the tune is “For the Italians who inspired it...for the Irish...for ANYONE who this St. Patrick's [D]ay is in a tight spot and still singing. For the doctors, nurses, carers on the front line, it's you we're singing to.”